Conclusion De Un Ensayo De Etica

Conclusion De Un Ensayo De Etica

apa perbedaan solution dengan conclusion

1. apa perbedaan solution dengan conclusion


Solution itu Solusi

Conclusion itu kesimpulan


Maaf Kalau Salah

2. Tolong buatkan conclusion​

Earthquakes are dreaded by everyone. Because without any prior warning, leaving catastrophe in their wake with terrible loss of human lives as well as economicloss. Technically, an earthquake (also known as tremor, quake or temblor) is a kind of vibration through the earth's crust. Earthquakes are classified as large and small.

Large earthquakes usually begin with slighe tremon but rapidly take form of violent shocks. Small earthquakes are usually slight tremors and do not cause much damage.


Explanation Text adalah jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berisi penjelasan tentang sebuah fenomena yang terjadi dan salah contohnya, yaitu teks dalam soal di atas dengan judul:

Earthquakes atau gempa bumi.

Berikut adalahStruktur dariExplanation Text:

(1) General statement adalah "Pernyataan Umum" yang berisi pengenalan mengenai topik yang dibahas, yaitu berupa informasi umum.

Earthquakes-being among the most deadly natural hazards-strike without any prior warning, leaving catastrophe in their wake with terrible loss of human lives as well ac economicloss.

(2) Explanation adalah "penjelasan" yang menjelaskan mengenai topik tersebut bisa terjadi dan di dalamnya berisi sebab dan akibat atau urutan secara temporal.

Technically, an earthquake (also known as tremor, quake or temblor) is a kind of vibration through the earth's crust. This vibration occurs as a result of powerful movement of rocks in the earth's crust. These powerful movements trigger a rapid release of energy that creates seismic waves that travel through the earth.Earthquakes are usually briet, but may repeat overa long period of time. (Earth Science. 2001) Earthquakes are classified as large and small. Large earthquakes usually begin with slighe tremon but rapidly take form of violent shocks. The vibrations from a large earthquake last for a few days known as aftershocks. Small earthquakes are usually slight tremors and do not cause much damage. Large earthquakes are known to take down buildings and cause death and injury (Richter, 1935). According to some statistics, there may be an average of 500,000 earth- quakes every year but only about 100,000 can be felt and about 100 of so can cause damage each year.

(3) Closing adalah "penutup" yang berisi paragraf atau bisa juga berupa kalimat penutup.

Earthquakes are dreaded by everyone.


Discussion about Explanation Text "Earthquakes"

DETAIL JAWABAN Kelas: 11Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Reading Kode: 11.5

Kata kunci: Explanation Text, Earthquakes

3. contoh soal conclusion can be concluded that.....
2.what is the conclusion of this text?
3.we can concluded that.....

4. sebutkan bagian-bagian conclusion​

Berikut ini beberapa bagian- bagian Conclusion, yang mana di antaranya ialah:

Mulailah dengan sedikit transisi (opsional).Ringkas beberapa poin utama.Buat kesimpulan yang singkat dan padat.Pastikan Anda memasukkan pernyataan tesis dalam kesimpulan.Tulis subjek dengan otoritatif.Akhiri dengan cantik.


Conclusion atau kesimpulan sendiri pada dasarnya dapat kita maknai sebagai salah satu bagian utama sebuah naskah publikasi, yang mana pada umumnya conclusion ini sendiri ialah suatu bagian kedua yang dilihat pembaca atau readers setelah abstrak. Hal ini di karenakan didalamnya berisi ringkasan keseluruhan konten naskah, yanng mana berbeda dengan abstrak yaitu jika conclusion dapat berisi deskripsi yang lebih detail.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang kesimpulan

5. conclusion of parallel structure

What exactly is parallel structure? It’s simply the practice of using the same structures or forms multiple times: making sure the parts are parallel to each other. Parallel structure can be applied to a single sentence, a paragraph, or even multiple paragraphs. Compare the two following sentences:

Yara loves running, to swim, and biking.

Yara loves running, swimming, and biking.

Was the second sentence easier to comprehend than the first? The second sentence uses parallelism—all three verbs are gerunds, whereas in the first sentence two are gerunds and one is an infinitive. While the first sentence is technically correct, it’s easy to trip up over the mismatching items. The application of parallelism improves writing style and readability, and it makes sentences easier to process.

Compare the following examples:

Lacking parallelism: “She likes cooking, jogging, and to read.”

Parallel: “She likes cooking, jogging, and reading.”

Parallel: “She likes to cook, jog, and read.”

Lacking parallelism: “He likes to swim and running.”

Parallel: “He likes to swim and to run.”

Parallel: “He likes swimming and running.”

Once again, the examples above combine gerunds and infinitives. To make them parallel, the sentences should be rewritten with just gerunds or just infinitives. Note that the first nonparallel example, while inelegantly worded, is grammatically correct: “cooking,” “jogging,” and “to read” are all grammatically valid conclusions to “She likes.”

Lacking parallelism: “The dog ran across the yard, jumped over the fence, and down the alley sprinted.”

Grammatical but not employing parallelism: “The dog ran across the yard and jumped over the fence, and down the alley he sprinted.”

Parallel: “The dog ran across the yard, jumped over the fence, and sprinted down the alley.”

The nonparallel example above is not grammatically correct: “down the alley sprinted” is not a grammatically valid conclusion to “The dog.” The second example, which does not attempt to employ parallelism in its conclusion, is grammatically valid; “down the alley he sprinted” is an entirely separate clause.

Parallelism can also apply to names. If you’re writing a research paper that includes references to several different authors, you should be consistent in your references. For example, if you talk about Jane Goodall and Henry Harlow, you should say “Goodall and Harlow,” not “Jane and Harlow” or “Goodall and Henry.” This is something that would carry on through your entire paper: you should use the same mode of address for every person you mention.

You can also apply parallelism across a passage:

Manuel painted eight paintings in the last week. Jennifer sculpted five statues in the last month. Zama wrote fifteen songs in the last two months.

Each of the sentences in the preceding paragraph has the same structure: Name + -ed verb + number of things + in the past time period. When using parallelism across multiple sentences, be sure that you’re using it well. If you aren’t careful, you can stray into being repetitive. Unfortunately, really the only way to test this is by re-reading the passage and seeing if it “feels right.” While this test doesn’t have any rules to it, it can often help.

maaf kalo salah

jadikan yamg terbaik


6. apa yg dimaksud dgn possibility dengan conclusion

Possibility: Sesuatu Yang Mungkin Terjadi
Conclusion: Kesimpulan

7. Conclusion about obligation and necessity

kesimpulan dari kegiatan wajib kamu yang harus dilakukan.Kesimpulan tentang kewajiban dan keharusan

8. 5. Please rearrange the structure of Recount Text a. The conclusion , the introductory , the body b. The Body , the conclusion , the introductory c. The Introductory , The Body , The Conclusion d. The Introductory , The Body , The conclusion e. The Body , the center , the conclusion


c. The introductory, the body,the conclusion

Introductory = awalan

Body = isi cerita

Conclusion = kesimpulan

9. make conclusion about expression of gratitude!

we thank you very much for your help

10. Begin with the conclusion


start with the orientation

11. percakapan bahasa inggris tentang warna dan ada conclusion?​

What is your favorite color?

Do colors affect your mood? What colors make you feel happy or sad?

Do you think about color when you buy clothes? Are your clothes various colors, or do you tend to dress in certain colors more than others?

Are you good at matching colors? Which colors go well together?

What things cause people to go red?

How important is color coordination to you? Do you have matching clothes and possessions?

Have you ever dyed your hair a different color? Why did you change it? What color did you go?

What colors are the uniforms of your favorite sports team? Do you like the uniforms?

Does anything make you see red? What kind of behavior makes you really angry?

What is the best color for a fast sports car?

12. apa sih yang dimaksud introduction, outline, dan conclusion ??

Introduction: Perkenalan
Outline: garis luar
Conclusion: kesimpulanIntroduction itu : permulaan atau pengenalan materi Outline itu : lebih mengarah ke materi yg di bahas Conclusion itu : simpulan dri keseluruhan materi

13. Apa jawaban tittle,conclusion,view point


Title merupakan judul

Conclusion adalah kesimpulan

View point adalah sudut pandang cerita

14. conclusion six simple machines​


artinya adalah

kesimpulan enam mesin sederhana


MAAF kalau salah

karena gak ada soalnya

15. Contoh kalimat logical conclusion

Assad bought the newest digital camera on the market.  As a result, Assad bought the most expensive camera in the store.

The conclusion of the argument follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

A) Assad loves to buy expensive things.

B) Cameras are among the most expensive personal tech items on the market.

C) The newest digital camera is the most expensive camera.

16. the conclusion chapter 2 bullying

Stop bullying because it's not good at all for our friend metal

17. tuliskan arti dari conclusion dalam bahasa inggris​


Conclusion : kesimpulan


18. Conclusion sama passive verb nya apa yaa?

kesimpulan dan kata kerja pasif

Passive = Verb 2

Conclusion = Verb 1

19. begin with the conclusion, explanation?​


dimulai dengan kesimpulan, penjelasan

kesimpulan dulu terus di jelaskan

20. arti dari conclusion dalam descriptive text jangan ngasal ​


Generic Structure Merupakan Struktur Umum Yang Terdapat Pada Teks Descriptive, yaitu :

• Identification : Identification Merupakan Bagian Pengenalan Dari Sebuah Teks Dalam Deskriptive Text Seperti Pengenalan Tokoh Ataupun Pengenalan Karakter Dan Juga Topik.

• Description : Yaitu Berfungsi Untuk Mendeskripsikan Atau Menggambarkan Suatu Hal Secara Detail Dan Lengkap Dari Warna, Bentuk, Ciri Dan Lain Sebagainya.

• Conclusion (Kesimpulan) : Pada Descriptive Text, Ada Dua Macam Pilihan Yaitu Terdapat Kesimpulan Ataupun Tidak. Hal Tersebut Tidak Mempengaruhi Bentuk Atau Fungsi Dari Descriptive Text Itu Sendiri

Conclusion dalam descriptive text artinya kesimpulan dari teks deskripsi tersebut.

semoga membantu..

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